Conquer colds with natural cures
Treating a cold or flu can be exhausting and expensive, but did you know you can do it at home? It’s easy and affordable. You can treat a cold with ingredients from your kitchen, the local spaza, pharmacy or even your garden, so you’ll be ready for the next flu season.
1. Load up on Vitamin C
Your Gogo is right! Eating plenty of oranges and other citrus fruits is a great way to keep a cold at bay. Add grapefruits, leafy greens, lemons, and Vitamin C supplements to your diet to catch that cold quickly.
2. Show the honey
Sweeten things up with a natural antibacterial. A teaspoon of honey taken on its own or in some warm water or tea will soothe your throat and ease that stubborn cough. Try to buy raw, non-irradiated honey – this is honey that hasn’t been heated or treated.
3. Add a pinch of ginger
Ginger has been used for centuries to treat different illnesses. It’s great for soothing a sore throat or cough and easing nausea. Pro tip: add a teaspoon of ginger, honey, and cinnamon to boiling water and drink up. You can also chew on a slice of ginger – most supermarkets stock ginger root.
4. Go for garlic cloves
A natural antimicrobial, garlic is not only a tasty base for curries and stews, but it’s also great for easing colds. Peel a clove, cut it in quarters, and swallow it like a pill, without chewing. If you’re worried about the smell, eat fresh mint to freshen your breath.
5. Eat your beets
It’s a delicious must-have for that Sunday lunch menu, but it also helps with coughs and colds, and boosts your immunity. Roast your own in the oven rather than buying a jar from the supermarket – that beetroot is loaded with extra sugar.
6. Take probiotics like a pro
Probiotics add ‘friendly’ bacteria to your gut and build your immunity. Plain, unsweetened yoghurt, pickled vegetables, and kombucha are good sources of probiotics, or you can take a daily supplement.
7. From A to Zinc
Found in pumpkin seeds, almonds and oats, zinc heals damaged tissue and boosts your immune system. You can also take it as a supplement.
8. Let’s heat things up
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of soothing warm drinks but avoid caffeine and alcohol as they make you dehydrated. Your go-to liquids should be herbal teas, warm water (add ginger, turmeric, honey, and lemon) and chicken soup.
9. Worth your salt
Struggling with a post-nasal drip* or sore throat? Add a teaspoon of salt and bicarb of soda to a glass of warm water and gargle for 5 seconds, a few times a day, to relieve your throat and loosen that stubborn mucus. You can even snort it through your nose from a spoon.
10. ‘Oh yes’ to olive leaf!
Olives have plenty of health benefits, and olive leaf extract should be added to your daily supplements. It’s great for boosting your immunity.
11. Get steamy
Ease a stuffy nose and chesty cough by adding a few sprigs of rosemary to a bowl of boiled water. Drape a towel over your head to cover the bowl, and breathe in the steamy vapours.
Caution: keep boiled water away from babies and children, and make sure you keep a comfortable distance from the bowl so you don’t get burnt.
12. Deep sleep does wonders
All the supplements and fruit & veggies in the world won’t help if you don’t get rest. Enjoy a soothing bath with drops of eucalyptus, peppermint or rosemary oil to help you relax or add Epsom salts or baking soda to relieve pain. Next, put on your PJs and get straight into bed.
13. Self-care is a sure cure
Self-care is the best way to prevent and treat a cold or flu. Look after your body by eating whole, plant-based foods, and add some supplements, even when you’re not sick. And remember, you can always chat to a nurse or doctor on the Unu app if your symptoms don’t go away after 7 days.
*Post-nasal drip: This is when mucus from your nose drains down the back of your throat. It can be caused by a cold, by allergies, certain foods, chemicals and nasal (nose) sprays.
Note: All health tips provided herein are for general wellness information purposes and do not constitute medical advice. If you are experiencing flu and cold symptoms, we recommend that you visit your nearest GP or pharmacy.